Why ARENA barefoot?

Unlock your feet, Unlock your potential.

Conventional shoes put your feet in a coffin!

The tapered toes and rigid outsoles restrict movement, weakens muscles, and deforms your feet.

ARENA shoes set your feet FREE!

Our barefoot design allows your foot to fan, flex, and move naturally to build a stronger athletic foundation and prvent injury.

Unlock Your Feet!

Our Healthy Foot Fetish

Over 2 million years of hunting, sprinting, and jumping, your feet have evolved into the most complex, high-performance movement technology.

Each foot is made of 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles tendons and ligaments that work together to provide support, balance, and mobility. Your foot will be the strongest part of your body. . . if you let it.

Kick the casts of your feet and switch to the shoe that makes your high-tech foot your daily driver.

How your shoes are wrecking your posture and creating imbalances in your body.

The Illusion of Comfort

In the 1970s, athletic shoe manufacturers began putting more cushion in the heel of popular shoes, creating the wedge shape we’ve grown accustomed to today.

But this gimmick for comfort causes more harm than good.

The elevated heel forces a “heel-strike” while running that not only increases shock and impact in each stride, but also leads to shin splints, knee injuries, and stress fractures in the hip.

Shop Arena Barefoot

Pain from the ground up

Even a slight elevation in the heel creates severe imbalances further up the chain.

  • Shortened achilles tendon
  • Hyper-extended knees
  • Anterior pelvic tilt
  • Severe lordosis of the spine
  • Hunched and Rounded shoulders
  • Hyperextension of the neck
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